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Bootcamp training
To inspire and empower athletes* to take control of their lives (*"If you have a body you're an athlete", Bill Bowerman, Nike co-founder)
Why Paddy Warwick will work for you
Nothing is above or beyond what you can achieve and we will coach you through everything you require to achieve your goals.
Science-based, information-driven, laser-focused, all-encompassing programmes.
Accountability at every step with precision methods, proven to maximise results.
Work out in a natural environment, with über-motivating coaches & team-mates.
Optimise your body composition and shape once-and-for-all & feel more confident than ever.
What to expect at Paddy Warwick
We can help you be the very best version of you and feeling on top of the world; all on your schedule and in an environment that works best for you.
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Online Bootcamp
Online Bootcamp
During the last fortnight of lockdown, here in France, as a result of the unprecedented measures against COVID-19, we have moved our Bootcampers online!
The classes have been a real hit (if we do say so ourselves) and have been hugely popular for:
- Staying physically (and mentally) strong whilst confined at home
- Keeping connected socially with each other; coaches and Campers alike
- Bringing a smile to everyone’s face (and a few exercise-induced grimaces too)
- Maintaining (if not, improving) fitness levels, so we finish lockdown in fine fettle and beach season seems not so far away!
Due to popular request, we are going to open up the classes to current Campers and newbie Campers alike. Anyone can join us…
...And 50% of all proceeds will go to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in their efforts to support the relief effort against COVID-19 (read below for more on this).
For the next two weeks (the scheduled Easter holidays for most schools), starting on Monday 6th April, we will be running 6 classes:
What are the Days, Times and Rates?
A wonderful question (well done).
Monday 6th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
Wednesday 9th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
Friday 11th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
Monday 13th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
Wednesday 15th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
Friday 17th April - 09:15-10:15am (CET)
NB: Times are Central European Time (CET) but you can join us from any time zone! Sessions will all be 60-65 minutes long.
For the 6 Sessions of the Easter Online Bootcamp, it’s €89,70
*As the group size may be a little larger than usual, the regular session rate has been discounted from its usual price. But we will still try to retain maximal personal input to you each individually, via the two-way video feed of our Zoom sessions, as we have been doing so far.
What’s Makes Our Online Bootcamp Different?
You’re on fire with these pertinent questions, aren’t you?…
Well, because I’d rather you were urgently signing up to the Bootcamp and not reading a compendium (wink emoji), here are just 5 things for you to mull over:
- Limited Capacity. We like to maintain sufficient ‘eyes-on’ trainer-trainee time, so we limit class sizes and have two coaches, so if one is demonstrating or exercising with you, the other is on ‘screen duty’)
- Your Form and Quality. We value, and can assure, your form, technique and quality of movement (as mentioned, with two of us, we can watch all of you, at all times and can speak to you personally if needed)
- Stronger Together. We are a community here. Even though we may not all know each other, in the main, you’ll be in it together and will (virtually) high-five, applaud and cheer each other on in spirit. Basically we are a bunch of happy Campers, experiencing this lockdown alongside each other and making the most of it.
- Personal Touch. We, as coaches, will know you from the start and we will be fully concerned with your own progress throughout the class and the course as a whole.
- It’s a Bootcamp! It’s as close to our in-person Bootcamp as you could possibly get. With the semi-personalised nature of the classes, the two-way audio-visuals and the session structure (honed over 10 years of personal training and Bootcamp coaching), we like to consider this a highly-effective, nowhere-to-hide, results-based training programme. And no, it isn’t easy. But anyone can give it a go, for sure. As with anything, it’s only as hard (and effective) as you make it.
How Does It Work?
Another fab question (jeez, you’ve got some good ones today).
Put simply:
- You sign-up
- You download Zoom (it’s easy-peasy)
- You receive an email with login code and password from us
- You turn up to class 5-minutes ahead of time (on Zoom)
- You will be ‘admitted’ by us, to the class
- We’ll say “hi” and we’ll get straight to business
Can We Help Others with This?
Yes, my questioning friend, we bloomin’ well can.
I have been itching to try and use the power of our collective energies and spirit to do some good for not just our own health but the health of those in greater need.
So I will donate 50% of the proceeds from our two-week Online Easter Holiday Bootcamp to Médecins Sans Frontières.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have stepped up their COVID-19 response to help, specifically in Europe's hardest hit areas. In Italy, Spain and Belgium they have extended activities to support nursing homes for the elderly. In the Marche region of Italy especially, MSF doctors, nurses and hygiene experts are supporting staff and local municipalities to set up infection prevention and control measures. In Paris and France's other most affected areas, MSF teams are intervening in emergency refugee and homeless shelters, helping detect those who are potentially ill with COVID-19. In Spain, MSF has set up two health units with a 200 bed capacity to help ease the strain in Madrid and Catalonian hospitals. You can read more about MSF's current response here.
So not only will we be staying fit, strong, connected, positive and pumping out those indoorphins (see what I did there?) but we'll be helping others at the same time.
Need any more inspiration to sign up? No, thought not.
Help me, help you, help me, help you, help me, help us all help each other! (Make sense?!).
Emma and I very much hope to see you there (yes, you)! XOXO
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A non-invasive body composition analysis used to aid in spot-reduction (location specific) fat loss. A 12-site body composition mo...
A non-invasive body composition analysis used to aid in spot-reduction (location specific) fat loss. A 12-site body composition modulation is performed to determine your individual hormone profile and make adjustments (or wholesale changes, if needed) to your nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle and exercise habits.
Do you have difficulty shifting fat from one particularly troublesome area? For example are you happy with your upper body but can’t seem to reduce the size of your thighs and bum? Or does your 'muffin top' refuse to budge, no matter what you do?
As a fully-qualified Biosignature practitioner, Paddy can quickly and accurately determine why you have these problems using just a pair of quality skin calipers and specialised Poliquin training software. A true problem area is indicative of your unique hormone profile and unfortunately, countless sit-ups and tricep kick-backs will not change the relative fat levels in these areas.
Biosignature Modulation goes beyond standard body fat testing. The concept was developed by Charles Poliquin, a strength coach to Olympic medalists in over 17 sports. Practitioners locate the fat stores on an individual’s body and use Biosignature Modulation to determine their unique hormonal profile. Analysing this profile will reveal the reasons for certain fat stores. For example, if you carry a high percentage of your body fat on your upper thighs, the underlying problem may be related to your oestrogen levels and/or your body’s ability to excrete oestrogen. However if your fat is mainly around your lower abdominal region, it may indicate an imbalance in the stress hormone cortisol. Interpreting your results and using additional information from your consultation, Paddy can design a bespoke programme of nutritional, exercise and lifestyle modifications, accompanied by a targeted supplementation protocol to effectively manage your hormone imbalances (this programme is as an extra, in addition to your Biosignature Modulation).
By using Biosignature Modulation, Paddy leaves nothing to chance, as your unique Biological Signature is determined and addressed. Regular follow-ups are recommended (but not compulsory), in order to monitor your progress and identify how your hormones are responding at each stage. If you are on a programme intergrating these measures, we’ll also use these check-ups to adapt your programme accordingly.
The result is improved performance in all areas of your life – physically, mentally and intellectually. By following your personal plan, you will emerge leaner, stronger, happier and more energetic.
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Paddy Warwick’s Women-Only (with the addition of mixed groups before work) Bootcamps (now, BOOTCAMP2.0) have been an unprecedent...
Paddy Warwick’s Women-Only (with the addition of mixed groups before work) Bootcamps (now, BOOTCAMP2.0) have been an unprecedented success since starting in January 2011. Constantly improving and evolving the Bootcamps, after 12,000 hours of Bootcamp and personal training experience, rather than group training in the traditional sense, Paddy likes to call them ‘personal training for a group of individuals’. And that’s exactly what they are. All the tools are there and if utilised to their full extent, you can look forward to a personal transformation, like in no other group training environment you’ve seen.
Upon completion of a BOOTCAMP2.0, you can look forward to the following results:
1. Dropping up to 3 dress sizes (or 2 shirt sizes, for the men)
2. Losing up to 8kgs of fat
3. Boosting your immune system
4. Losing up to 9% body fat (with a net gain in lean muscle mass)
5. Losing up to 20 centimetres from your thighs, midsection and upper arms
6. 10-500% increase in limb strength, core strength, power, aerobic and anaerobic endurance
7. Hugely elevated energy levels
8. Hugely improved state of mind, self-worth and self-esteemBOOTCAMP2.0 welcomes women of all fitness levels and ages (and now men too, in the Early Birds -before-work- groups), providing a total-body workout combining:
- MetCon (metabolic conditioning) sessions of varied, fun cardio-work
- Core strength
- Strength training with kettlebells, TRX, dumbbells, barbells, balls and body weight exercises
- Circuit training and ‘Cross-fit’ style workout
- Boxing and Kick-boxing (pad work, non-contact)
- Flexibility and Mobility (mix of Pilates, yoga, sports-based dynamic stretching, joint-specific mobility work)
BOOTCAMP2.0 is not a ‘get-down-and-give-me-twenty’ military style Bootcamp (although there may be elements of that!). It is a precise, yet fun and friendly fitness programme, designed for progressive challenge. One of Paddy’s favourite phrases is “Progress, not Perfection”.
Each Bootcamp includes :
- 12, 18 or 24 Bootcamp sessions – The best result are nearly always from those who are able to commit to as many of these sessions as possible (less sessions, or more sessions per week is a possibility)
- 3 physical fitness and body composition assessment sessions – "What gets measured, gets improved"
- Full nutritional support – including a 21-day ‘detox’ eating plan and the the PowerPack eating system, to maintain an achievable lifestyle of eating thereafter
- Supplementary exercise programme – To include optional exercise MetCon (metabolic conditioning) sessions which you can complete on your own or with fellow ‘Campers’, to accelerate your results
Dates and Locations (2017)
Mougins/ Valbonne:
- Six-week Transformation Challenge: 6 weeks from January 9th – February 17th*
- Bootcamp: 6 weeks from February 27th – April 7th*
* Mondays & Fridays (or Tuesday & Thursday if on THE WORKS programme) at either 09:15 or 10:30 (sessions last 60-75 minutes and your schedule typically includes one of each of the aforementioned time slots – your group will be assigned on sign-up). Early Birds is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 06:00-07:10
- Six-week Transformation Challenge: 6 weeks from January 9th – February 17th*
- Bootcamp: 6 weeks from February 27th – April 7th*
* You can choose from 2 or 3 Days (we always advise a minimum of the two staples, for optimal results. Do the three-day full-Monty (THE WORKS) and those results are in the bag!): Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 09:00-10:15
Your investment in your health, fitness, mind and body depends ultimately on what's appropriate for you and your goal(s), something that will be discussed with us before starting. This will then allow us to determine the amount of times you would like to (and indeed should) train and how long to train for, in terms of weeks and/or months (we advise always a minimum of 12-weeks).
Accordingly, rates vary between €17,00 and €23,50, per session (don't worry, it's not that complicated, we just don't advise a one-size-fits-all approach). Contact us for more, or go one stage further and...
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1 On 1
In need of 100% focused, tailored programme and 100% laser-focused results? After your free, initial consultation, where we wil...
1 On 1
In need of 100% focused, tailored programme and 100% laser-focused results?
After your free, initial consultation, where we will discuss your exercise history, current dietary and lifestyle habits, any injuries or preferences (dietarily or exercise-wise), we follow this up with a comprehensive first ‘marker in the sand’ (full check-up and analyses) session. This session is comprehensive to establish exactly where you are today, in physical and psychological terms, where we want you to be and where you are GOING TO BE in the short, medium and long-term. This first ‘marker in the sand’ session often includes:
- Goal Setting– This always drives the rest of the training programme so it is the first thing we establish. We look and indeed help you establish your short, medium and long-term objectives, so we can ensure your goals will be specific, achievable and properly targeted.
- Physical Testing– This depends on your goals, yet we often measure your body composition; lean muscle mass, body fat percentage and moreover, where exactly your stubborn fat areas are, using the 12-site Biosignature Modulation Method (analyzing more accurately your hormone profile).
- Comprehensive Fitness Testing– This will differ for what is appropriate for your level of fitness and your goal path (but may often include metabolic conditioning and/or cardiovascular (aerobic and/or anaerobic) endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and strength endurance (centered separately on the core, lower and upper body), power and structural balance.
As a result of this session your coach will establish an exercise programme, tailored totally to you and from the second session onwards, you will work according to this plan, totally focused on achieving those goals of yours!
Having an extensive variety of experience and qualifications between the PW team, Paddy will make sure you are working with the perfect trainer from the very start. All of Team PW’s personal training methods (with a system honed after 15,000 hours of experience) are unashamedly unique, exacting and all-encompassing, to absolutely guarantee you life-changing results in a minimum of 12-weeks. Results that you thought were simply not possible.
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Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutriti...
Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutrition programme (amongst other qualifications) and being an avid hands-on researcher (noting each and every statistic from eight years of clients’ results) and scientific-reader, Paddy (and now, his team) is on the cutting edge of nutritional coaching.
Well-informed nutritional advice underpins the multi-faceted Paddy Warwick Personal Training philosophy. All of Paddy’s most successful client transformations have been achieved by those who have adopted the PWPT philosophy; that real results come from 20% training and 80% nutrition.
It is for this reason that Paddy invented the PowerPack© and Power Breakfast© Eating Plan that all Bootcampers receive when starting a PW Bootcamp, alongside a 21-day eating plan that is constantly refreshed and renewed, three times yearly. These eating plans have shown results time and time again for those that view it as a lifestyle change and not a ‘diet’.
“We are not on a diet, we are changing the way we eat; there is a big difference.”
It is this philosophy that Paddy and the team try to instill, not necessarily through the aforementioned eating plans but more through gradual (sometimes accelerated) habit modification. Understanding that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and habits (particularly nutritional) can’t be changed overnight. On a one-to-one basis, Paddy can filter quickly through to the habits that are in need of focus and set about laying out an effective programme to bring about a meaningful and lasting change.
The exercise you do creates the chemical and physiological stimuli for change. It is your nutrition which is the defining factor in whether you ultimately achieve the desired results from your fitness programme. The correct ingredients to supply the change is nearly always the ‘make or break’ in any successful health and fitness regime. You can train as hard as you like, but unless you are eating correctly, you will not see any changes. You cannot out-exercise poor eating habits. Again, a huge foundation to the PWPT philosophy.OPTIMISING NUTRITION HAS BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO:
- Improve mental alertness and concentration
- Extend your healthy lifespan
- Boost the immune syste
- Increase IQ
- Improve mood
- Improve quality of sleep
- Increase physical performance (crucial in achieving your fitness goals)
Optimising your nutrition is more than just ‘you are what you eat’. It involves not only monitoring what you eat, but understanding what is absorbed and used by your body, and regulating the size and timings of your meals and snacks. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ because everyone is biochemically unique. Although many principles apply to all humans, the optimal levels of nutrition will vary from person to person. Paddy and the team utilise current scientific knowledge, a wealth of results-driven feedback and experience, and the principles of evolutionary dynamics to provide you with accurate nutritional advice and a personalised diet plan (if needed) or a series of habit modifications alongside your training programme.
Popular ‘fad’ diets (e.g. ‘Atkins’ and ‘Zone’) can get immediate results, but rarely, if ever, introduces lasting change. Inevitable relapses to old eating habits soon overturn any short-term gains. Paddy’s philosophy with regards to nutrition – and exercise equally – is to encourage and facilitate a life-time of change and long-lasting, autonomous health.
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Run Club
The weekly PW RunClub started organically around Paddy’s Bootcamp team fundraising efforts for the relay marathon between Nice a...
Run Club
The weekly PW RunClub started organically around Paddy’s Bootcamp team fundraising efforts for the relay marathon between Nice and Cannes, in 2013. Headed up by Paddy, with his scientific background and high-level sprinting experience, the sessions are all-inclusive, with all running abilities welcome, from total novice, to the experienced runners. The sessions vary between short-sprint repeats and track work to longer tempo sessions and off-road hill runs; in order to ensure variety and maximise progress with the once weekly sessions.
Now running year round on Saturday or Sunday mornings in Mougins and Monday mornings in Monaco, the sessions are designed around progressive improvements in:
- Running efficiency
- Sprint technique
- Anaerobic and aerobic endurance
Often used as a metabolic conditioning supplement to many Bootcamper’s weekly training schedule, non-Campers also sign-up for the 6 to 10 week courses. The team ethos, atmosphere and collective buzz on a morning, after having completed the latest workout from Paddy and the team is second-to-none.
As has been proven though heart-rate monitored sessions, these sessions create a metabolic and cardiovascular workout like very few others and although post-RunClub power naps are an oft-seen phenomenon in the PW ranks, one thing is for sure: There is no better to start your weekend in Mougins or your week in Monaco!
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Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutriti...
Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutrition programme (amongst other qualifications) and being an avid hands-on researcher (noting each and every statistic from eight years of clients’ results) and scientific-reader, Paddy (and now, his team) is on the cutting edge of nutritional coaching.
Well-informed nutritional advice underpins the multi-faceted Paddy Warwick Personal Training philosophy. All of Paddy’s most successful client transformations have been achieved by those who have adopted the PWPT philosophy; that real results come from 20% training and 80% nutrition.
It is for this reason that Paddy invented the PowerPack© and Power Breakfast© Eating Plan that all Bootcampers receive when starting a PW Bootcamp, alongside a 21-day eating plan that is constantly refreshed and renewed, three times yearly. These eating plans have shown results time and time again for those that view it as a lifestyle change and not a ‘diet’.
“We are not on a diet, we are changing the way we eat; there is a big difference.”
It is this philosophy that Paddy and the team try to instill, not necessarily through the aforementioned eating plans but more through gradual (sometimes accelerated) habit modification. Understanding that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and habits (particularly nutritional) can’t be changed overnight. On a one-to-one basis, Paddy can filter quickly through to the habits that are in need of focus and set about laying out an effective programme to bring about a meaningful and lasting change.
The exercise you do creates the chemical and physiological stimuli for change. It is your nutrition which is the defining factor in whether you ultimately achieve the desired results from your fitness programme. The correct ingredients to supply the change is nearly always the ‘make or break’ in any successful health and fitness regime. You can train as hard as you like, but unless you are eating correctly, you will not see any changes. You cannot out-exercise poor eating habits. Again, a huge foundation to the PWPT philosophy.OPTIMISING NUTRITION HAS BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO:
- Improve mental alertness and concentration
- Extend your healthy lifespan
- Boost the immune syste
- Increase IQ
- Improve mood
- Improve quality of sleep
- Increase physical performance (crucial in achieving your fitness goals)
Optimising your nutrition is more than just ‘you are what you eat’. It involves not only monitoring what you eat, but understanding what is absorbed and used by your body, and regulating the size and timings of your meals and snacks. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ because everyone is biochemically unique. Although many principles apply to all humans, the optimal levels of nutrition will vary from person to person. Paddy and the team utilise current scientific knowledge, a wealth of results-driven feedback and experience, and the principles of evolutionary dynamics to provide you with accurate nutritional advice and a personalised diet plan (if needed) or a series of habit modifications alongside your training programme.
Popular ‘fad’ diets (e.g. ‘Atkins’ and ‘Zone’) can get immediate results, but rarely, if ever, introduces lasting change. Inevitable relapses to old eating habits soon overturn any short-term gains. Paddy’s philosophy with regards to nutrition – and exercise equally – is to encourage and facilitate a life-time of change and long-lasting, autonomous health.
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Semi Private Training
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Semi Private Training
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Online Bootcamp
A non-invasive body composition analysis used to aid in spot-reduction (location specific) fat loss. A 12-site body composition mo...
Paddy Warwick’s Women-Only (with the addition of mixed groups before work) Bootcamps (now, BOOTCAMP2.0) have been an unprecedent...
1 On 1
In need of 100% focused, tailored programme and 100% laser-focused results? After your free, initial consultation, where we wil...
Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutriti...
Run Club
The weekly PW RunClub started organically around Paddy’s Bootcamp team fundraising efforts for the relay marathon between Nice a...
Qualified through the University of Bath Sport & Exercise BSc programme and Precision Nutrition’s Sport and Exercise Nutriti...
Semi Private Training
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Meet the team
Head Coach and Bootcamp Leader
Paddy believes everyone is an athlete. Whether you know it or not, if you have a body, you’re an athlete. And Paddy’s driving force is to empower athletes (as in, YOU!) to take control back in their lives through the power of fitness and health.
Paddy’s impressive CV clearly demonstrates his passion for what he does and the expertise that underlie it all.
From a young age Paddy exhibited an aptitude for excelling in his own personal sporting endeavours. At 16 he was part of the England Schools athletics team running the 400m. He went on to play rugby for the Ireland Under-21 international team and spent a further 5 years playing professional rugby in Wales, England, Australia, Italy and most recently in France. His BSc(Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science from Bath University was ranked #1 in it’s field for 7 of the last 8 years. Since graduating, Paddy has continually added to and refreshed his qualifications to ensure everything he says, does and advises is solidly based in scientific learning and is at the cutting edge of current practice. This philosophy is actively encouraged within the PW Personal Trainer team.
Paddy is a fully qualified ‘Biosignature Modulation for Fat Loss’ coach, PCIP Level 1 & 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach, Active Release Therapy Coach and ‘Precision Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutritionist’.
Since founding PWPT, Paddy has amassed over 12,000 hours of Personal Training contact time, with clients in all walks of life – international rugby athletes, mothers, busy executives and just about anyone who is looking to fulfill their potential; although, it has to be said, his favourite client is a 100 year old lady who he still trains once a week (yes, she’s 100 years old!).
Does all of this sound a little official to you? If so, here’s 3 things Paddy loves to do (in his spare time):
1. Cooking, juicing (and all other food-based experimentation)
2. Spending time with the best cat in the world, Joe
3. Going away on Bella trips (Bella is his 1959 Vespa)
Right that’s enough of that, now it’s Paddy’s turn to learn about you and how to get the very best out of you…Contact us today and let’s make it happen. Your forever-dreamed-of, finally-within-reach transformation is just an email or a phonecall (0617496641) away.
Meet the team
Head Coach and Bootcamp Leader
Paddy believes everyone is an athlete. Whether you know it or not, if you have a body, you’re an athlete. And Paddy’s driving force is to empower athletes (as in, YOU!) to take control back in their lives through the power of fitness and health. Paddy’s impressive CV clearly demonstrates his passion for what he does and the expertise that underlie it all. From a young age Paddy exhibited...
Mike, 38, Cannes
“I have spent most of my adult life on the heavier side of things. More often than not the big guy in the crowd, l was happy with my size as l now realise l had grown to except it. Sometime the butt of a joke but to me that never bothered me so life carried on. In my youth l played a lot of sports competitively but like most people l discovered beer and partying and exercise fell by the wayside....

Mike, 38, Cannes
Mike’s Stats:
113kg to 85kg
29.7% to 14.0% body fat (with a 3kg lean muscle gain)
“I have spent most of my adult life on the heavier side of things. More often than not the big guy in the crowd, l was happy with my size as l now realise l had grown to except it. Sometime the butt of a joke but to me that never bothered me so life carried on. In my youth l played a lot of sports competitively but like most people l discovered beer and partying and exercise fell by the wayside.
The turning point for me was when my son was born 2 months early. Having a moment of morality l decided l would try and raise money for the children’s care unit that looked after him in his incubator for the first 6 weeks of his life. Figuring that with my job on yachts l could raise some money, l spoke with some close friends and we agreed to run a 10km obstacle event to try and raise some cash. We raised £2.5k. In order to prepare for this event l did a little training and tweaked my diet ever so slightly thinking, l know what l am doing here.
After the event l felt myself immediately slipping back into my old routine; too much beer, pizza and bad living. I decided to contact Paddy as l had heard about him through friends and thought I had nothing to lose by having a chat. I am a pretty simple guy so l figured if somebody with his experience and qualifications can’t help me shift some excess weight then l am doomed, needless to say after my initial consultation and the hard fat facts were revealed it made for some sobering reading. Paddy, naturally as he does, was very positive about what we could achieve and created me a custom 6-week programme based around the facilities l had at my disposal, he gave me dietary guidelines and off l went with our target for 6 weeks to lose weight and body fat % to drop. I lost the weight and the body fat % was what we wanted and l felt great. My desire to lose the weight and Paddy’ s support far out-weighed my desire for a beer every night.
From that programme we have constantly moved the goal posts (forwards of course) and followed 6-week programmes to get to today. I am very ambitious and told Paddy l had committed to do the London Marathon. Paddy took this in his stride and set about creating a series of programmes to get me in the best possible shape for it. I would never have dreamed of doing this when l first met Paddy, but l completed it in 4:27. I keep giving Paddy different targets for me and he has a unique ability to be honest with me and keep my goals in perspective whilst helping me push forward as hard as possible and make me realise what l have achieved.
When l think about it l have gone from a 38″ waist to comfortably 34″, l have purchased an entirely new wardrobe, l feel so much better and l would say it is fair to say people look at me differently and treat me differently, partly due to the difference but l also think due to the commitment to make the change. It can get tough, but Paddy is always there to support, encourage, push you. I don’t now envisage not having him in my life to some degree, with my new found fitness and can look at events that were once a pipedream and have the confidence that with my effort and Paddy’s knowledge they are more than achievable.”
Lisa & Sue, 50 & 52, Monaco & Valbonne
Lisa’s Stats:
54kgs to 50kgs, 15% to 7.4% body fat, with a gain of 6kgs of lean muscle mass
Barely one push-up to 35 full push-ups in 60 seconds
Lisa's Story:
“I am now 50 years of age and I started Bootcamp with Paddy five years ago. I heard someone talking about Paddy Warwick ...
Lisa & Sue, 50 & 52, Monaco & Valbonne
Lisa’s Stats:
54kgs to 50kgs, 15% to 7.4% body fat, with a gain of 6kgs of lean muscle mass
Barely one push-up to 35 full push-ups in 60 seconds
Lisa's Story:
“I am now 50 years of age and I started Bootcamp with Paddy five years ago. I heard someone talking about Paddy Warwick Bootcamp (as most people do!) but I didn’t really understand what it was, so along with my sister Sue, we decided to give it a go for the following six weeks.
At 45 years old, I had already come to terms with having a jelly belly and muffin top and although not really over weight, I was certainly not toned and had stopped wearing sleeveless dresses.
In all honesty, I didn’t think doing Bootcamp training would change anything; it was really just a break from the same old routine of going to the gym. Gosh, how wrong was I! I had no idea just how amazing Paddy Warwick Bootcamp was going to be. Every session just got better and better and Paddy just knew how to get the best out of everybody, at the same time knowing our strengths and weaknesses. Along with all the nutritional advice, (which I knew very little about,) my body very soon started to change shape. By the end of the first six weeks, I had dropped 2 dress sizes. I was eating more than ever and enjoying foods I had never even thought about cooking before. The sessions are fabulous, and the camaraderie is just something special. Yes, there are some mornings when you think ‘I don’t want to do this’ but guaranteed, by the end of the session you are on a high, feeling you could take on anything.
Paddy is with you every step of the way and even on none BC days, he still keeps in touch sending out great recipe ideas and extra workouts keeping you motivated until the next session…
So, five years on, (was it really only going to be six weeks?!) I am still enjoying Bootcamp with a bunch of truly inspirational, amazing girls.
I am far more confident and sociable than I have ever been; I have never felt so fit and strong.
I feel younger and everyone (particularly my husband) says I look younger. So, now, at 50, I am truly in the best shape of life!
Oh and by the way, that jelly belly and muffin top disappeared a long time ago!!!”
Sue’s Stats:
59kgs to 54kgs, 19% to 12% body fat, with a gain of 6kgs of lean muscle mass
10 full lunges to 42 in 60 seconds
Sue's Story:
“I am 52 years of age, I have always tried to keep fit and healthy, by going to a gym in my early twenties in the UK, I have never really had a weight problem, never really been overweight, until I was about 25, when Graham and I moved here to work on yachts surrounded by that lovely food and long working hours I suddenly crept up 10 kg, I actually lost it quite quickly ,once the initial excitement of the food wore off, but never worked out for years. Then we moved to Asia for 7 years, again on yachts, when I was able to find time and work out again in a gym,
Arriving back here in France after 12 years on yachts, and a 1 yr old son, I enrolled into a gym here, religiously going 3 times a week , I never saw much change in my body but mentally it was great but slightly boring. Son number 2 popped along, still going to the gym, after 10 years ( really bored by now!!).
When a friend of mine told me about Paddy Warwick Bootcamp, having no clue what it was I enrolled for 6 weeks. 5 years later and 13 Bootcamps under my belt I have never looked back
I remember after the first 3 weeks I saw a dramatic change in my body, I had never exercised like this before. Strength and interval-based training was really new to me. Counting seconds on and off, precise rest intervals, tempos… I had never heard of any it, then to cap it all Paddy’s nutritional advice was amazing, scientific and really works. It's also very very interesting: The meals and the ideas he has, the recipes are simple.
The fat began to fall off me, and although never really been ‘overweight’ per se, I noticed with the training a change of tone in my arms, shoulders and legs. Muscles and definition started to appear; my tummy area has become so much flatter, and I dropped 2 dress sizes.
Paddy is an absolutely inspirational trainer. I couldn't imagine not going to BC now, and the added bonus of working out with great girls has now become a social event 3 times a week.
Paddy is probably the most positive, optimistic person I have ever met. Rain, frost, wind or scorching hot he is smiling and there ready for us, I don't think any one session has ever been the same.
The accountability of constant measures, three times per Bootcamp makes us work harder, knowing we’ll be doing it again after the holidays! You have to try at least one Bootcamp, like I did at the very start. You’ll know what I mean, once you do it! And you’ll have new definition, a new life and you’ll never go back to your old ways again!”
Sandy, 44, Valbonne
“I’m 44 years old and I have 3 children. I stopped smoking 3 years ago and I had to loose weight (at least 10kg) to get in a normal shape again. I sell woman clothes so I have to be presentable!!!! All my life I did diets and lost a few kilos here and there, but put it back on straight away. But the way of life Paddy offers (eating well and being fitter and fitter) is the only way to keep your...

Sandy, 44, Valbonne
Sandy’s Stats:
71.1kgs to 59.8kgs in weight
27% to 13.3% body fat in just 6 months
“I’m 44 years old and I have 3 children. I stopped smoking 3 years ago and I had to loose weight (at least 10kg) to get in a normal shape again. I sell woman clothes so I have to be presentable!!!! All my life I did diets and lost a few kilos here and there, but put it back on straight away. But the way of life Paddy offers (eating well and being fitter and fitter) is the only way to keep your body healthy.
The transformation is so evident that I had to do a BOOTCAMP to get back and stay in shape! Age is just a number and doesn’t make things inevitable. You have to work hard to be successful but it’s worth it… “It always seems impossible until it is done”.
Since seeing my changes in just 6 weeks, my other friends (who happened to be French like me) came along and ‘l’Equipe Française’ is building! I lost 6kgs in my first six weeks and now in 6 months, I’ve lost 11kgs and over half of my body fat, whilst gaining 3kgs. in muscle. Far more than I ever thought possible and the key is to keep it going now, which for sure I’m going to. Thanks to Paddy, I feel so much younger, so much fitter and this is only the beginning!!!”
Peter, 36, Dubai
The most unique aspect of Paddy’s programmes is this….they WORK and KEEP ON WORKING! I have never previously consulted a personal/professional trainer but my quest for long term, lasting success in terms of changing my body shape and my lifestyle eventually brought me to Paddy’s door. Its true that there is no gain without pain, but with Paddy’s programmes, the pain is not all physical an...

Peter, 36, Dubai
Peter’s Stats:
29.5% to 15.5% body fat
170% improvement in the back squat, 108% improvement in bench press
The most unique aspect of Paddy’s programmes is this….they WORK and KEEP ON WORKING! I have never previously consulted a personal/professional trainer but my quest for long term, lasting success in terms of changing my body shape and my lifestyle eventually brought me to Paddy’s door.
Its true that there is no gain without pain, but with Paddy’s programmes, the pain is not all physical and hence its not just about overcoming physical barriers to healthy living. Its all about the mental and discipline challenges which I believe, having now lived the Paddy Warwick Way for the last 6+ months, are at the core of making real and lasting change.
Together with incredibly challenging (never a day goes by where I make it to the end of a session and say to myself….”well that was easy”) but interesting and exciting workouts, Paddy creates a bespoke programme of eating, resting and fuelling the body with all the right stuff (including the Poliquin supplements) that, if you follow it line by line, and stay disciplined, you will without a shadow of a doubt, achieve significant results.
Being born in Africa, meant that playing outdoor sport was a given and rugby and cricket featured through my school and university years, although never really together with any specific strength and conditioning training (it wasn’t a big focus in those days). I have also done a fair amount of weight/gym type training, on and off of course, over the last 20 odd years but never achieved any lasting results. Unfortunately my progress on the field has been hampered by rotator cuff and snapped ACL injuries and seriously damaged spinal discs in my lower back.
There are a lot of “quick-fix” wanna-be personal training set-ups in Dubai, where in my opinion, clients are just a number. There are no doubt the genuine few, but from what I see around me, they are few and far between. I have never seen or heard of something exactly like Paddy’s methods here in Dubai. I’ve read countless websites of personal trainers and always clicked away thinking “what overpriced rubbish”.
I heard about Paddy via good friends of mine who live in Monaco and have trained with him. I went to his website and distinctly remember being intrigued by the biosignature (i.e. that it allows a wholly customized programme bespoke for my body, its composition and what’s going on inside) and how the training methods were described. It was completely new to me, refreshing and most importantly, made sense and did not sound like yet another guy taking peoples hard earned cash simply to stand next to them in a gym and count their push-ups. I got in touch and the rest is history!
I did not set out to achieve any specific target weight and I told Paddy this at the very beginning. He asked me then what my goals were and I told him that I wanted to get rid of body fat, gain strength, flexibility and overall body fitness and conditioning and change the way I lived my life for ever.
The first thing Paddy did was bust apart my daily menu/diet apart and showed me all the things in there that, despite me and the average person thinking they are healthy for us, are really doing our bodies no good at all. I like the detail so Paddy explained all the science behind the changes he was making to what and how I eat. I haven’t eaten milk and cereal for breakfast (which I always hated, so that was a bonus) and now look forward to steak, salmon, broccoli and avocados for breakfast every day!
During our initial introduction, history briefing and assessment (all via Skype), Paddy also took all of my historic and ongoing injuries/weaknesses into account and later, built my first programme around these and focused on building up strength and stability there first before things got harder. Now my VMOs and lower back are probably stronger than they have ever been!
Paddy also acknowledged my desire to incorporate and improve the Olympic weight lifting exercises/techniques into my programmes and I can confirm that without them, the results just wouldn’t be possible.
I only realized it as I progressed through the follow-on micro cycles, but every exercise in a previous micro-cycle is specifically included as it is a building block for the next stage. Paddy never alluded directly to this but I think the fact that I understood this for myself shows the brilliance of the programme and the way in which the different stages are structured and linked. It’s an awesome feeling to be doing an exercise and the light suddenly goes on that its an incorporation of movement from a previous stage – together with the realization that everything that’s gone before, no matter how many times it made me throw up, was all in there for a very good reason!
Laterly, as my strength returned and my weight dropped, Paddy incorporated specific exercises into my programmes which target body areas that I wanted to particularly work on.
Every single thing about my last 6 months has been bespoke. While I’m sure that there are certain basics which form the building blocks of any strength and conditioning programme, the biosignature tells Paddy where my “problem” areas are and from those results, how exactly to design my work-outs, eating plans and supplement intake.
We catch up at the end of 6 week micro-cycles but Paddy is always available via email (and sms if you’re lucky enough to have his private number) if I have any questions.
Although I’m an online/distance training client, I have met Paddy a couple of times in Dubai and following the bio-signature, I can confirm that the tweaks he made to the programme after seeing the results have made a significant difference. Once again it shows that its all tailor-made; nothing is off the shelf and that because it is, it works.
It’s not always easy to get out of bed every morning and do it all on my own, but I know that if I do as Paddy says I should, the results come – and when you see your body shape start to change, things get seriously addictive. Problem is, most other programmes out there are not customized in the way Paddy’s are and so people don’t ever see the change, or if they do, it takes forever, is not as significant as it could/should be and probably involves more difficulty than it really should. Result, people give up – I see it all around me. On Paddy’s programme, if you simply do as he says, you won’t give up, because it works! You will see the results, you will stay disciplined and you will achieve even more than you thought you ever could.
When I first asked Paddy for his help, I was weighing in at probably 105-106kg, and based on approximation (via Skype & photos), was probably at 30%+ body fat.Before I even started training and while writing my programme, Paddy introduced me to the eating plan basics and two weeks later when all was ready, I was 104kg.
6 months and 3 full micro cycles and some later, I’ve been married 3 times (yes, to the same woman – who has also been a massive supporter of what I’ve been doing), am now a father-to-be (healthy eating is now a household trend for us both), and am weighing in at a fighting fit 87kg and approximately 14% body fat. I am currently the same weight but in much better condition, than I was at 19 years of age (15 years ago!).
That is a total weight loss of 17-19kg and at least 15% body fat! I never thought nor dared to imagine results like this could be possible!
The craziest thing about succeeding in this programme has been the effect on my wardrobe – nothing I owned fits me anymore – all my clothes look like hand-me-downs from a big brother and the biggest boost to my confidence was walking into a trendy shop in Dubai which tends to cater for the “skinny” guy, and buy a pair of size 34 shorts! What a moment!
I’m currently in the best condition I’ve ever been in my life – in terms of strength (yes, I can now do 3×10 full pull ups!!), conditioning, body shape, composition and of course confidence. There is still some way to go to get to where I want to be physically, but one thing is for sure; I have successfully made a lifestyle change and God-willing, can’t say I will ever look back! All thanks to Paddy for guiding me in the right direction, for encouraging the discipline it requires to stay on this path. I now appreciate how much work it takes to get in real shape and more importantly, to stay that way. You might feel sometimes, as I’ve said to Paddy on a few occasions, like a salmon that eats broccoli, but in his own words it’s all about doing it right first, then “going hard” … in everything!”
Irene, 49, Monaco
“I am turning 50 years old on September 11th, I have always exercised in local gyms until I had Charlize in 2005. Things got worse for my body in March 2007 when I had Jasmine and gained 35kg during my pregnancy compared to the 9kg in my first pregnancy. Needless to say trying to shed those extra kilos was hell. I realized during the Summer of 2011 that I needed a change in my life, I needed to ...

Irene, 49, Monaco
Irene’s Stats:
27% to 15.9% body fat
3.8kg of lean muscle mass gained
oodles and oodles more energy
“I am turning 50 years old on September 11th, I have always exercised in local gyms until I had Charlize in 2005. Things got worse for my body in March 2007 when I had Jasmine and gained 35kg during my pregnancy compared to the 9kg in my first pregnancy. Needless to say trying to shed those extra kilos was hell. I realized during the Summer of 2011 that I needed a change in my life, I needed to become fit for the sake of my little girls and for myself, as I felt exhausted and always hungry. I was on the computer one day, turned around and saw myself in the mirror and decided something had to be done!
A friend mentioned there was a trainer (who was getting crazy results) in coming from Mougins to start a Bootcamp in the Monaco/ Cap d’Ail area if enough participants could be found. I jumped at the chance for change and joined Paddy Warwick’s Bootcamp 1 in the Fall of 2011.
The first session was filled with a mix of adrenaline and nervousness. Paddy spoke to us about exercises, format, times, and nutrition and we started. The next few weeks were brutal (in a nice way!), my body was in so much pain, sitting down was painful, arms were super-sore, but we kept on, the group’s motivation was fantastic and my body showed happy changes in just a few weeks. There was no pressure to be a certain size, reach a certain goal nor compare yourself to anyone. Everyone put down their personal goals (and achieved them) and we were all encouraged 100% every day. I lost 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks and gained oodles of confidence and motivation.
Thanks to Paddy and his Team, my health and body have improved every single day, month and year. I have modified my eating habits and feel so much better. Changing the way I ate after 45 years was no easy task. I felt I was on a diet at first. Today the nutrition plan is a way of life (something Paddy encourages constantly), simply a healthy way of eating and I ‘deprive’ myself of nothing. I crave different things now. I am no longer feeling drained and tired but full of energy. My body has changed gradually and steadily to a fitness level I only had in my 20’s. I cannot say enough about the excellent Coach Paddy has been over the past 4 years.
Paddy has guided me, encouraged me, pushed me (yes he is tough but I would not want him any other way), and persevered with a big smile on his face rain or shine, blazing hot or freezing cold weather. I have the health and energy I longed for, and the strength I thought would be impossible to achieve.
Paddy has broken the myth of, “you were born that way, not much you can do” and ” it’s all a part of getting older not much your body can do”.
I look forward to training again soon in Bootcamp 10, as Bootcamp and Bonus Sessions, WOWs (Workout Of the Weeks) are now a part of my life (and my husband’s, who also trains with Paddy).
Finally a word to the AMAZING group of women our Monaco “Booty” Family has. I have yet to meet a more diverse, yet enthusiastic, happy, motivated and encouraging group of women ANYWHERE. I believe these ladies are a unique bunch, but then again, can you blame anyone who feels and looks so well for feeling so extremely happy?
Paddy Warwick Personal Training is the absolute best… try for yourselves, I did and I am ever so grateful.
Thanks Coach X”
Fredrik, 53, Norway
“I was getting to a point where my outlook on life was grim. I was overweight, depressed and severely stressed. It was not easy for me to focus on the good things in my life, although there were many. There were just as many just reasons why I was in this terrible state. But none, I realized, for me to stay like this. My children and my wife were all longing for me to be more active and have ...

Fredrik, 53, Norway
Fredrik’s Stats:
39.3% to 15.9% body fat.
6.7kg gain in lean muscle mass
“I was getting to a point where my outlook on life was grim. I was overweight, depressed and severely stressed. It was not easy for me to focus on the good things in my life, although there were many.
There were just as many just reasons why I was in this terrible state. But none, I realized, for me to stay like this. My children and my wife were all longing for me to be more active and have a more positive outlook on life, as was I. I was unhappy with the state of things, and after many years of being more and more drained of energy, I had realized that I was the only one who could really turn my life around.
However, I could never do it alone!
My wife and I decided to dedicate a full year to our own health, away from all stressful distractions. We decided to devote as much time as possible to healthy living, eating and exercising. Our first quest was to find the best personal trainer on the Côte d’Azur to guide us to the best health possible, and so we did, in Paddy. What a Life Saver!
After eight months of following Paddy’s carefully designed programmes of exercise, supplement and eating regimes, Paddy has managed to lure, force, plead, charm and tweak me in to the best shape I have ever been in my life. My fat is down by more than one full wheel-barrow, my endurance is better than it was in my twenties, and my body has taken a whole new shape, thanks to my new muscles. I find my life now to be filled with joy and good times, and, best of all: I have become a healthy living addict! Unlike before, I only take pleasure in healthy foods that makes me feel more energetic. The only sugar I still enjoy comes in the red wine I still occasionally consume. And, my days never go by without some kind of exercise. All of this makes me smile, sleep well and prepare for all the fun to come.
I am blown away by the knowledge that Paddy possesses. He seems to have the answer to everything. Every step of the way, he has carefully adjusted my exercise and supplement programmes to reach, end exceed, every goal we have set for me. I knew I could get in good shape in less 8 months, but I never imagined that I could get in a shape like THIS! I may have done most of the work myself, but no-one else could ever have made me work as hard and committed as Paddy has.
Thank you, Paddy, for putting the biggest smile back on my face!”
Julia, 48, England
“I’ve been working with Paddy since March 2009, when weighing in at a little under 100kg on a 5’2” frame, I’d signed up to run the Race for Life and was struggling to run even a few hundred metres. Within 3 weeks, training twice a week with Paddy, I was able to run the whole 5km. But we didn’t stop there! Six months later (and considerably lighter and fitter) I ran 10 miles in the Bupa...

Julia, 48, England
Julia’s Stats:
Lost 30kg in weight
Running barely 100m to 10 miles!
“I’ve been working with Paddy since March 2009, when weighing in at a little under 100kg on a 5’2” frame, I’d signed up to run the Race for Life and was struggling to run even a few hundred metres. Within 3 weeks, training twice a week with Paddy, I was able to run the whole 5km. But we didn’t stop there! Six months later (and considerably lighter and fitter) I ran 10 miles in the Bupa Great South Run.
Four years later and over 30kg lighter, healthier and happier, I feel amazing. With 8 Paddy Warwick Bootcamps under my belt, I’m in the best shape of my life and I can honestly say, with hand on heart, that even after all this time, Paddy is still constantly coming up with new ways to keep me motivated and always progressing.
Paddy has a rare talent in finding that fine balance between getting you to work to your full potential without pushing too far. It’s always fun. He knows his subject inside out and his nutritional knowledge alongside physical expertise sets him apart from his rivals. He puts an enormous amount of thought into the programme and works constantly on keeping it fresh and motivational. Paddy sets realistic goals and gives positive and sincere support and the training sessions are tough but enjoyable.
The financial cost of regular personal training sessions with Paddy has been far outweighed by the benefits to my health, and pales into insignificance when I consider how much I’ve wasted in the past on unused gym memberships and diets that don’t work! Training with Paddy really does work.”
Elin, 43, Sweden
“Pretty much all my life I’ve been unhappy with my shape. I was quite overweight in my twenties and even though I managed to shift some of the weight, I still didn’t like the way I looked with my typical “pear” shape. I tried many types of exercise and diet regimes but nothing seemed to work. I just couldn’t find anything that I would manage to stick to for very long. After having two ...

Elin, 43, Sweden
Elin’s Stats:
- 31% to 12.8% body fat
- Increase of 4.2kg of lean muscle mass
“Pretty much all my life I’ve been unhappy with my shape. I was quite overweight in my twenties and even though I managed to shift some of the weight, I still didn’t like the way I looked with my typical “pear” shape. I tried many types of exercise and diet regimes but nothing seemed to work. I just couldn’t find anything that I would manage to stick to for very long. After having two children and approaching 40 I was feeling rather tired and unfit. Although my diet was fairly healthy I often ended up skipping some meals and eating too much at others. My energy levels were low and I found it hard to cope with life’s challenges. I had heard of PWBC and thought it would be fun to try. I expected some weight loss and fitness gains but had no idea how it would literally transform my life.
After six weeks of intense training in a group with fantastic women, I felt amazing. I was lighter, fitter and full of energy. During Bootcamp I stuck to Paddy’s PowerPack advice on how and what to eat and I am still following the same guidelines today because it really works. I even found it surprisingly easy to keep up the exercise routines after Bootcamp had finished; something I had never been able to do before. I am now about to finish my fourth BC and I am leaner and stronger than ever before, having recently broken 13% body fat! Exercise and eating clean is now a very natural part of my life and I can’t ever see that changing. I am finally happy with my shape and I really have Paddy to thank for that. His knowledge and support is endless. He has an honest interest in each and every person and their progress, he makes everybody feel special and with lots of encouragement and guiding he’s managed to push me way beyond my own expectations to become a happier healthier me.”
Mrs E-W, 100, Pegomas
“Aged 95 (now 100!), I suffered from what is called “une marche vestibulaire d’ivrogne” due not to the pleasures of the cup but due, so they say, to mundane “vieillesse”, degenerating neurons, a fall on the head or anyway, with something that no one was bothered about – except Paddy Warwick. He helped me for one year and 3 months to tackle the problem (of feeling very wobbly on my...

Mrs E-W, 100, Pegomas
Mrs E-W’s Stats: -
Not able to walk unaided to being able to walk for 100m in a straight line unassisted
“Aged 95 (now 100!), I suffered from what is called “une marche vestibulaire d’ivrogne” due not to the pleasures of the cup but due, so they say, to mundane “vieillesse”, degenerating neurons, a fall on the head or anyway, with something that no one was bothered about – except Paddy Warwick.
He helped me for one year and 3 months to tackle the problem (of feeling very wobbly on my feet), by strengthening the relevant muscles, improving balance by working on coordination between head/ eyes/ ears and the extremities. Paddy eased me along in a brilliant, encouraging way using all his professionalism and human qualities in spite of interruptions to our programme. An example of my progress is that I could not even sit down and stand up, unaided from a chair before I started with Paddy. Now I can sit and stand fully, with ease, 20 times, non-stop!
Paddy is in all ways, a great trainer. I hope to be able to enjoy his assistance for as long as possible.“

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